

Conservatorium Hotel


Launch of the new restaurant BARBOUNIA


December 2023 – March 2024

We were approached by the marketing and PR team from the Conservatorium Hotel to support them with the concept development and launch of their new Mediterranean Restaurant BARBOUNIA. The location, name and cuisine had been determined but the brand story, brand visuals and online strategy still had to be created. Challenge accepted!


- Branding
- Website design
- Content creation
- Social Media management
- Campaigns
- Event
- Project management

In cooperation with

Photography: Nina Slagmolen
Event: Lize Booij & Conservatorium Hotel

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Research & Strategy

We always start the branding process by determining the positioning; the starting point on which all marketing activities are based. The positioning is determined by different elements: brand identity, the target group’s needs, market trends and the competitors. By defining these elements, we were able to further shape the branding strategy and create an applicable brand guide.

Content Creation

Content is king! Having the right content elevates the visual identity if it’s in line with the brand identity and used correctly. Based on our findings and the advice plan we created an overview of content that needed to be created/designed for different purposes.

From delicious food photography to enticing reels our aim was to showcase bite size content that gave small insights into the experience at the restaurant.  

Social Media

In accordance with our advice plan we set up the BARBOUNIA social media channels and curated a launch strategy in which included both organic and paid social media content. The goal? To raise brand awareness in the first few weeks of the launch. By posting consistently and having the right mix of content formats we were able to grow the following to 1.500 within the first month.


We got to work crafting a website that would not only showcase BARBOUNIA's delicious Mediterranean cuisine but also give visitors an insight into the experience that awaited them. Through captivating food photography and story-driven copywriting, the La Dolce Vita identity is at the core of every page. We also integrated the online reservation tool and the menu is always a few clicks away ensuring User Experience is at the forefront of every decision.

"We welcome you to induldge in the richness of life"


As part of the launch strategy we developed several campaigns to help increase brand awareness and engagement online. Although the first campaigns were not focused on reservations but purely on brand awareness, we measured over 70 restaurant reservations in the first two weeks of the launch.  We managed to reach over 250.000 accounts and had over 22.000 post engagements within a month.

The sunny La Dolce Vita vibe definitely caught some attention!


As part of the offline strategy we worked together with different stakeholders to organise an iconic cocktail evening for influential people in the Amsterdam scene. The party served as an introduction of the brand BARBOUNIA showcasing the food and vibe that set them apart from other restaurants. For the party we translated the brand values into activations to deliver a unique experience to all guests.

Embrace the magic of La Dolce Vita; make a reservation at BARBOUNIA!